Plug-and-Play. Zero Configuration
Deeper connect is a truly all-in-one solution requiring minimal configuration to connect to all your devices. With the included Wi-Fi adapter, setup the device at home or on the go simply by plugging it in.
A. Examples and key points

Continuous network protection
The Pico can function in any network setup, whether at home or on the go. AtomOS enables the Pico to be compatible with all routers/modems while the included Wi-Fi adapter provides you a secure and free internet while traveling.

Quick And Convenient
The compact and light weight Pico can be carried in your back pocket, protecting your devices everywhere you go.

Easy setup
Setup is simple and intuitive, requiring minimal configuration. After connecting the built in Wi-Fi adapter or a set of included of ethernet cables, you are ready to go.
B. How to use & further information

Virtual Wire Mode
Virtual Wire Mode: Connect the Pico in between the modem and the router via ethernet.

Router Mode
Plug in the included Wi-Fi adapter to the USB port of the PICO and connect the other side to an integrated modem & router all-in-one device via ethernet.

Wireless Relay Mode
When traveling or using public Wi-Fi, connect the included Wi-Fi adapter to the Pico's USB port and power it with the charger or another device. The Pico connects to available Wi-Fi and provides its features to any device connected to it via Wi-Fi.

The default username and password for AtomOS is "admin."
C. Image and video content
Atom OS login and dashboard pages: