Deeper Network Monthly Newsletter: 2024/5/01–2024/6/30

Deeper Network Monthly Newsletter: 2024/5/01–2024/6/30

Deeper Network’s bi-monthly newsletter is a brief bulletin containing the latest community developments, technical updates, and market status of our project. It is periodically released at the beginning of every other month for our community members. We would like to thank every member of the Deeper Network community for your contributions and support. Here are the latest updates:

Technical Updates


  1. Improved air cooling system and optimized overloading protection
  2. 2.5 Gbps high performance Mini, PCB adaptation proofing, schematic design progress: 60%


AtomOS Development Progress: 

  • The latest version 1.2.10.rel version was released
  • APP-Relocator, added new AI section, progress: 99%, released with 1.2.10.rel
  • Sharing blacklist function development, progress: 95%, released with 1.2.10.rel
  • App-Relocator application IP segment support, progress: 95%, released with 1.2.10.rel
  • Domain configuration smart route list feature development, progress: 85%
  • Https filtering disables/enables a specific application development, progress: 85%
  • DPN node delay test function development, progress: 85%
  • GUI reconstruction, progress: 70%
  • NAT functionality optimization, progress: 95%
  • QoS function research and development, progress: 80%


  • Changed Access Control page visibility
  • Fixed a chain connection issue
  • Fixed a no tunnel issue
  • Fixed a packet length issue
  • Fixed HTTPS filter issues
  • Fixed RustDesk Wireguard issues
  • Implemented blacklist sharing 
  • Improved post-reboot behavior sunder Vwire AP mode
  • Improved tunnel establishment for devices in CN
  • Updated certificates
  • Added dual antenna support for MINI SE
  • Supported quotes ex. ' " & in upstream SSID and password
  • Updated mobile navigation bar


  • Added System Root Certificate tutorial
  • Enabled node selection mode under Full Route
  • Fixed Rustdesk bugs
  • Fixed local direct issue for Access Control List
  • Fixed some HTTPS filter bugs
  • Improved BT detection
  • Improved security
  • Adjusted UI 
  • Implemented system to support the Deeper Connect Lite
  • Updated DNS Filter built-in blacklists


  • Updated ad filtering engine (ads in YouTube videos)
  • Fixed application relocation-telegram connection failure issue

Deeper Chain

Important tech submission:

In May

1. Proxy-Wallet

  • Added the ProxyHandler_send_transaction_with_sn and ProxyHandler_set_sn_blacklist interfaces to enhance transaction security and flexibility
  • Updated the ProxyHandler_send_transaction_raw_with_sn interface to improve the transaction sending process
  • Fixed the nil function error to ensure stable system operation
  • Added support for Solana, introduced the send_sol_tx_raw/v2 interface, and fixed errors to enhance compatibility with the Solana network
  • Removed commented-out code for setting SN blacklist to simplify code structure
  • Removed redundant Redis handle registrations to improve system performance
2. Tax-Server
  • Updated database query limits from 12,115,340 to 12,832,375 to expand the data retrieval limits
  • Removed the balance_transfer interface to simplify system feature
  • Abstracted blocked_addresses to improve code reusability and maintainability
  • Added the check_function prepare_file_download to improve preparation work before downloading files
  • Fixed prepare_file_download and added the balance_history_2021 interface to ensure the accuracy and completeness of historical data
  • Replaced balance-history-all and balance-history-download interfaces with the balance-history interface to consolidate functions and improve interface performance
  • Increased SearchIndex limit from 800 to 3000 to expand search range and improve query efficiency
  • Filtered records with deposit amounts greater than 0.2 to improve data selection logic
  • Fixed record issues for balance-history-2022 and balance-history-2021 to ensure data accuracy
  • Updated file storage to S3 to enhance file storage stability and security
3. DeeperGPT-UI
  • Fixed errors during the build process to ensure smooth compilation
  • Added exception handling for cases where some data blocks are incomplete JSON, ensuring robust data processing
  • Fixed character set conversion issues when using multiple languages to enhance user experience
  • Fixed the implicit any type issue for the match variable in TypeScript by explicitly defining it as RegExpExecArray | null, improving code type safety
4. Deeper-Chat-Bot
  • Upgraded to the GPT-4o model to enhance the intelligence level of the dialogue system
  • Set lambda_mult=0.2 to optimize model parameters and improved response quality
  • Updated contact email from to
  • Updated conversation prompts to optimize user 
5. CP-Slack-Debug
  • Added /feedback interface to enhance the user feedback mechanism
  • Updated reply.send logic of the /feedback interface to improve feedback response speed
  • Updated /feedback data structure to improve data processing
  • Updated /feedback parameters to increase interface flexibility
6. GUI-Frontend
  • Added a logo and logic for backing up the wallet to enhance user security
  • Added a SubmitYourFeedback page to facilitate user feedback submission
  • Added support for Solana tokens in multiple components to improve system compatibility
  • Added support for the SOLANACHAIN-DEVNET network and multi-language functionality to expand network and language applicability
  • Updated balance mock data and optimized mainChainDecimal logic in Account.jsx to improve data processing accuracy
  • Enhanced real-time address verification functionality in the ReceivingAddress component and added multi-language support to improve user experience
  • Fixed SOL token balance not displayed during refresh to ensure real-time and accurate data display
  • Updated the token list retrieval logic to handle ETH, BNB, and SOL mainChainTokenName flexibly to enhance system adaptability
  • Adjusted gas limits in transaction fee calculations according to token type to improve fee calculation accuracy
  • Added default icons for tokens lacking token images to enhance the aesthetic of the user interface
  • Refactored the AccountInfo component to implement independent balance and token price retrieval functions, and added network selection with icons to improve the interactive experience of the user interface
  • Added /erc20Balance interface to obtain exception handling logic to ensure interface stability
  • Added exception handling logic when the symbol does not exist, and displayed unknown token icons on Receive, SetAmount, and TokenHistory pages to improve the user experience
  • Added exception handling logic and interface display to handle multiple unknown tokens to enhance system robustness
  • Added price or balance exception handling logic on the AddToken page to ensure the accuracy of data display
7. GUI-Backend
  • Added an interface to get account balance for Solana to enhance compatibility with the Solana network.
  • Added an interface for smart contract token balance to enhance token management functionality
  • Added an interface for deriving derivative addresses to expand address management capabilities
  • Added an interface for adding wallet addresses to improve the user account management experience
  • Added an interface for adding tokenlist to optimize token list management
  • Unified ETH and Solana interfaces for the frontend to enhance interface consistency and ease of use
  • Removed case sensitivity checks for coin and network, and unified the case of fields and SQL statements in the database to enhance data processing consistency
  • Added an interface to get SN, supporting v2 interface for sending transactions to enhance transaction functionality flexibility
  • Added a feature to get the default token list and the existing token list collection, and made corresponding database table modifications to enhance token management flexibility
  • Added unified processing of Solana fees to improve fee calculation accuracy
  • Fixed the issue of derived addresses after creating a wallet to ensure the correctness of address generation

In June 

1. GUI-Frontend

  • Added a temporary borePassword simulation feature
  • Added open browser URLs feature in the TransactionDetail component
  • Added layout adjustment for fixed-width and horizontally centered content
  • Added support for Bitcoin blockchain and wallet
  • Added getBalanceOrErc20Balance feature for querying token balances
  • Added a selected BTC wallet option in the SendToken component
  • Added baseUrls settings for different blockchains
  • Updated edit state based on the selected token
  • Added keyStore backup method in the BackUpAccount component
  • Added API endpoint for exporting keystore files
  • Added endpoint for importing keystore and option drawer
  • Added the functionality to import keystore files
  • Added clear keystore files and import keystore feature
  • Removed setMnemonic function from the DeeperWallet component
  • Refactored wallet component feature to improve readability
2. GUI-Backend
  • Added wallet management and backup function interfaces: New interfaces support scanning wallet keystore, checking backup needs, and marking backups as completed, enhancing the convenience of user data security management
  • Expanded asset query and transaction interfaces: Added functions for querying main coin balances and ERC20/SPL token balances, ETH and smart contract token transfer interfaces, enhancing asset management and operational flexibility
  • Added address and transaction history management functions: New interfaces for fetching address lists, adding and updating addresses, and querying transaction history, significantly improving account and transaction data management capabilities
  • Improved security and performance: Enhanced system stability through error handling and logging, and optimized database performance by adding periodic transaction record cleanup
  • Updated library dependencies and environment configuration: Introduced new library dependencies to support the Solana ecosystem, and expanded database configuration to accommodate Deeper Wallet's feature expansion and data management needs
  • Unified ETH and Solana interfaces: Provided more consistent API interfaces for the frontend, improving user experience and system usability
  • Removed case sensitivity: Unified case handling in database fields and SQL statements, improving data processing consistency and accuracy
  • Enhanced transaction function flexibility: Added support for v2 transaction sending interface and obtaining SN functionality, enhancing the system's support for advanced transaction operations
  • Improved token list management: Added interfaces for fetching default and existing token lists, in conjunction with database table changes, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of token list management
  • Unified Solana fee handling: Enhanced fee calculation accuracy and optimized fee handling on the Solana network
  • Fixed wallet address derivation issues: Resolved issues related to address derivation after wallet creation, ensuring the correctness and reliability of address generation

Technical Scheme Discussion: 

  • Transaction Security Protection Scheme for Hardware Wallet Middleware
    • Transaction Legitimacy Recognition: Verify the legitimacy of user device transaction requests to ensure that each transaction is authorized
    • Transaction Asset Security: Utilize advanced encryption and multi-signature technology to ensure asset security during transactions
  • Tax-Server Data Query Optimization and File Caching Solution
    • Data Query Optimization: Improve database indexes and query statements to improve retrieval efficiency and reduce database load
    • File Caching Design: Introduce a file caching mechanism to enhance user download speed and reduce database access demand
    • Operational Cost Reduction: Reduce database read/write operations through improved query and caching strategies
  • Function and Data Migration Solution
    • Function Layering Design: Modularize system functions to reduce coupling and enhance migration flexibility
    • Data Migration Security: Develop detailed data backup, verification, and recovery processes to ensure data integrity during the migration process
  • Data Caching Solution for Proxy-Wallet Middleware
    • Partial Transaction Data History Storage: add segmented storage for key transaction data to optimize data access speed and reduce storage costs. Use a layered storage strategy triggered by smart contracts to ensure high availability and security of the data
    • Merging On-Chain Transaction History: Develop a new method for merging on-chain transaction history that allows the system to manage and retrieve transaction records more efficiently. This method consolidates transaction history scattered across different nodes, improving query efficiency and reducing redundant data

    Technical document reference:

    Community News

    • Shared interesting information related to cybersecurity
    • Shared the white paper content to help the community better understand Deeper Network's infrastructure
    • Released monthly lock screen wallpapers for community users to decorate their lock screens and share with friends, promoting Deeper Network
    • Shared tips for using Deeper Connect devices, including how to customize AtomOS
    • Weekly tutorials on the Deeper YouTube channel about Deeper Connect device features and troubleshooting
    • Shared weekly DPR and cross-chain bridge data
    • Announced that Deeper Connect will soon introduce hardware wallet functionality integrated into AtomOS
    • Released Mother's Day promotions, summer activities, and Father's Day activities
    • Published firmware version updates (from version 1.2.7.rel to version 1.2.10.rel)
    • Shared cybersecurity stories to help the community understand how Deeper Connect can help avoid geo-restrictions and protect their online security
    • Shared user’s testimonials
    • Shared how Deeper Connect devices can help users watch UEFA Euro 2024 matches
    • Interviewed with Deeper Chief Evangelist Eric Ma on MC²Fi discussing future cross-chain bridge trends
    • Shared cybersecurity related quotes to deepen the community's awareness of the importance of online security
    • Announced that Deeper Connect Air is out of stock in the Asia-Pacific, Oceania, Africa, and South America regions, with shipments expected in August and pre-orders available now
    • Announced the completion of the Solana cross-chain bridge deployment to the community
    • Released updates of the new DPN App interface 
    • KOL YouTube support: DeeperNaut, Furhan Reviews, Matrix Money Podcast, Diego, Crypto Jar

    Marketing News 

    In May

    • Indiegogo crowdfunding: In discussions with Indiegogo to launch on their new e-commerce platform: Indie Shop, to increase Deeper’s exposure
    • DPN App updates: The software's UI has been revamped and more user-friendly. A survey was shared across socials to the community to provide improvement feedback
    • New market expansion: The partnership with distributors in India is in progress
    • Promotions: Mother's Day promotion was held in mid-May, advocating for the online safety of family members. A summer sale was also launched on Indiegogo
    • New channel expansion: The new Deeper Connect Air was launched on StackCommerce. Also in discussion with Temu to launch on the platform.

    In June

    • New market expansion: Agreements have been reached with capable Indian distributors, and WPS-related certifications have been obtained. 
    • Promotions: Father's Day sale was held in mid-June. A promotion for the Mini was launched with the UEFA European Championship, allowing fans worldwide to watch live games for free
    • New channel expansion: In the progress of launching devices on Temu platform