Top FAQs on Deeper Network Public Sale on Tokensoft

My Email was approved, am I whitelisted?
If you registered your account and got verified, you will be able to participate to the public sale taking place on Apr.8 @ 11:00 pm UTC. Tokensoft use a Queu-it system to line up users randomly. Although your email was approved, due to the extremely high number of users that have registered to this public sale, if you are placed towards the end of the line, then you probably won’t be able to get any DPR.
I have registered since several days but verification is still pending
If you registered since several days and still didn’t receive an email confirming that your account has been verified, rest assured that our team will go through all the pending accounts manually and make sure to clear out the situation before the public sale goes live (if all the provided information match, your account will be verified).
My account got verified, what I should do next?
Once your account is approved, there is nothing more to do from your side. You sit tight and wait our email with further instructions. 5 hours before the public sale goes live, a Queu-it system launch on Tokensoft and will start lining up users randomly. Then depending on your position in the line, you have to wait your turn to get into the system to purchase DPR. To avoid you stay stuck in front of your screen waiting your turn, once placed in the line, the Tokensoft system will allow you to input your email in order to receive an alert when your turn gets closer. Please note that there’s only 275m tokens allocated to Tokensoft (5.5 m$ in total); due to the extremely high number of users that have registered to this public sale, if you are placed towards the end of the line, then you probably won’t be able to get any DPR.
How many tokens are allocated to the public sale on Tokensoft?
There are 275m tokens allocated to Tokensoft (5.5 m$ at a price of 0.02).
What is the circulation supply and market cap of DPR on launch?
The circulation supply will be 213m at a listing price of 0.02 which represent a market cap of about 4.2 m$.
What is the vesting period for the current public sales?
All the platforms have the same vesting period. 30% of tokens will unlock on launch. You will receive them to your ETH wallet by airdrop. The remaining 70% will be distributed to the investors on a monthly basis 7%/month over 10 months.
What is the price and vesting period for private sales?
The price for private sales was between 0.006 and 0.008. Investors will get 15% of their tokens unlocked on launch. The remaining amount will be distributed on a monthly basis 8.5%/month.
Why you don’t unlock all tokens on launch date?
We don’t unlock all the tokens amount of investors on launch to protect new investors purchasing from Uniswap from possible dumping.
Which cryptocurrencies are accepted for payment?
You can pay using BTC, USDT, USDC and ETH. Please note that only ERC20 USDT and USDC are accepted.
Where I can send payment from?
You can send payments from anywhere, although if sent from an exchange and we have to process a return we won’t be able to simply send you the funds back. We will need to contact you and get your wallet address because exchanges use omnibus account structure.
Where I can receive my DPR tokens?
You must provide an ETH wallet that is NOT from an exchange on where you will receive your DPR tokens. We recommend users to use metamask ETH wallet.
There is a 30 min gap between listing and distribution of tokens. If there are no tokens to trade what are the bots gonna do the first 30 min??
We’ll have bots battling to avoid market manipulation. That’s why distribution won’t happen until 30 minutes after the liquidity pool opens. We’re doing this to protect the community from the crazy bot wars in the beginning. We don’t want anybody to be REKT
How the exchange rate is calculated for USDT/USD, USDC/USD, Eth/USD and BTC/USD?
When an investor makes a purchase using cryptocurrencies, the TokenSoft platform will calculate the USD value of the investment and the amount of tokens purchased based on that USD value. Due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencurrencies’ prices, the platform will use an Hourly Average price that’s calculated every hour on the hour. The price will be sourced from When payment is received, that is the price that’s used to determine number of DPR tokens.
If I get selected on Tokensoft, what is the procedure to purchase my tokens?
Once your turn comes, you will have to follow the following steps to make your purchase.
1- Agree on the terms of service of Tokensoft.
2- Select the total contribution amount which represent the value in USD you would like to pay to purchase your DPR. You will be also asked in the same window to provide your ETH wallet to receive your DPR. Please DO NOT provide an exchange ETH wallets. We recommend users to use Metamask ETH wallet.
3- You will be then asked to review all the provided information.
4- In the last step you have to use the QR code or the wallet code underneath to send the funds and complete your payment.