Deeper Chain On-chain Governance

The on-chain governance of Deeper Network consists of two parts: "Governance structure" and "How to submit a referendum proposal". "How to submit a referendum proposal" will be presented as a separate article.
Governance Structure
Deeper chain has performed well over the past 3 years of operation, helping to ensure the proper use of Treasury funds and having the ability to be upgraded and repaired on schedule. Deeper will continue Polkadot and Kusama's consistent governance mechanism as a whole: the Tricameral governance structure, which is a relatively mature set of on-chain governance mechanisms which are collaborative by a tripartite institution -- the Referendum chamber, Council, and the Technical Committee.
Referendum Chamber
Anyone can propose a referendum by depositing the minimum amount of DPR tokens for a certain period (number of blocks), and all changes to the Deeper chain must be agreed upon by a stake-weighted referenda.
The Councilors are responsible for composing active token holders and together, they administrate a network upgrade decision. The councilors are voted by DPR holders. Council is an on-chain entity composed of multiple participants with each participant representing an account on the Deeper chain. The Deeper network initially consisted of a handful of councilors, and the number of seats will be gradually increased over time. In addition to controlling the public treasury, the council is mainly responsible for three governance tasks:
- Proposing reasonable referendum
- Canceling controversial, dangerous or malicious referendums
- Electing technical committees
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee (TC) is composed of the teams that have successfully implemented or specified either a Deeper runtime or Deeper Host. Teams are added or removed from the Technical Committee via a simple majority vote of the Council. The TC can, along with the Council, produce emergency referenda, which are fast-tracked for voting and implementation. These are used for emergency bug fixes or rapid implementation of a new but battle-tested feature of the runtime.
The goal of implementing on-chain governance is to ensure the majority of the stake can always command the network. No matter if the proposal is submitted by the public (token holders) or the council. The proposal will have to go through a referendum to let all holders, weighed by stake, to make the decision.
Deeper Network adopts a public treasure (Treasury) mechanism similar to Polkadot/Kusama. The fees collected by the Treasury mainly include:
- The collection of transaction fees
- The collection of fines and forfeitures triggered by various bad behaviors
- The collection of the deposit from board of directors candidates who lose an election
- The collection of the deposit after an account is deleted, etc.
Treasury Proposal
As the Deeper Network grows, the Treasury's available balance will increase over time. Any contribution that is beneficial to Deeper’s ecosystem can apply for funds from the Treasury as an incentive to help build out Deeper's ecosystem. Contributions in the following areas are welcome:
- Infrastructure deployment, operation and maintenance
- Network security, monitoring services, auditing, etc.
- Ecosystem support, cooperation with third-party blockchains
- Marketing activities, promoting, advertising, cooperation, etc.
- Community activities, outreach, meet-and-greets, , etc.
- Software development, wallets, client, etc.
Governance Parameters
Referendum Parameter